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North Somerset Council

By using C365Cloud, the Council has access to 'real time' compliance dashboards and contractor performance information. This allows the management of the contract through high priority exception reporting and with the minimum of staff resources.

- Principal Commercial & Compliance Officer, NSC

Managing Compliance in Partnership

At North Somerset Council, we have over 200 premises that need effective compliance management in accordance with statutory requirements. The Council delivers its premises compliance, testing and inspection regime through a single supplier framework with the data managed on C365Cloud. By using C365Cloud, the Council has access to ‘real time’ compliance dashboards and contractor performance information. This allows the management of the contract through high priority exception reporting and with the minimum of staff resources.

This comprehensive service delivery and management allows the Council to trade this service to schools who have wholly delegated repair & maintenance budgets. The income received covers both the cost of delivering the contract as well as the costs of providing C365Cloud to the whole Council estate, therefore making the system cost neutral.

The Challenge

North Somerset Council has the challenge of managing the Health & Safety and statutory compliance for their 302 properties including commercial offices, schools, academies, day centres and colleges. Each property has a unique range of requirements based upon the type and age of property, its assets, the building, its purpose, seasonal opening, staff, student and public access. With over 90 areas of compliance, NSC has to manage over 7,500 periodic inspections and surveys per year along with any corrective actions derived from them. They needed an innovative solution to help manage risk efficiency and cost effectively.

The Solution

The NSC compliance team chose to partner with C365 Cloud. Due to its modular design the C365 system quickly configured the estate into 24 system groupings each of which is tailored by the relevant compliance areas by building, assets and staff requirement offering;

  • Live and dynamic dashboards simply display what is in and out of compliance, which actions are required alerting NSC of any issues by exception by risk.
  • C365 manages and tracks activities of over 90 plus known areas of compliance and ad-hoe reports, all with different survey or inspection requirements with numerous third party suppliers all with different recurring service intervals and duty holder obligations.
  • Live data captured from site interfacing directly to the C365 core using 3G and Wi-Fi enabled tablets for the over 90 areas of monthly, quarterly, six monthly and annual PPM inspections – over 7,500 inspections per annum total.
  • Quality compliance and re-inspection audits by NSC’s in house team with 3G enabled tablet technology.
  • The C365 PDF Extractor which automatically extracts actions from numerous statutory reports and classifies then as High, Medium, and Low without the need to re key any information. This results in significant savings for both NSC and their supply chain partners
  • Unlimited internal users and external third party suppliers allowing them a personalised view based on relevant property groups and role as well as “view only” dissemination of key information to all sub-contractors, such as Asbestos reports.

The Benefits

The team at North Somerset Council were able to manage the complexity of tasks more effectively by being able to see the individually configured dashboards, therefore spending more time proactively focusing on resolving high priority risks and creating a safe environment for colleagues, students and members of the public.

Get your personalised demo

Contact our team today to request a personalised demo of our compliance management software and to learn how C365Cloud could help transform your operations.