System Overview

Our software has been designed and developed in-house to help organisations audit, manage and improve the level of statutory compliance.

AWS Hosting Platform

C365Cloud is hosted on the highly resilient Amazon EC2 Cloud, offering high performance and system uptime.

Amazon Web Services

Live & Configurable Dashboards

A Live and dynamic view across all levels and groups of an organisation is available through Executive dashboards accessed directly through C365Cloud or emailed at agreed intervals allowing users to easily track, monitor and report on performance.

Access to individual, bespoke, and unique dashboards is based on the users’ job role and responsibility.

Scheduled Bespoke Reports

All dashboards can be downloaded into PDF, Excel or Word, or emailed on a scheduled basis to support regular board reporting and assurance.

Automated Alerts and Escalation

Automated email alerts are configured to ensure timely notifications of work or action required, and also for escalations where agreed task management and policy objectives are not being achieved as planned, or when actions are not completed within agreed timescales.

Automated PDF Upload Extraction

One unique aspect of C365Cloud is its “Automated Extraction” capability from uploaded documents, including PDF’s. This allows C365 to extract actions from the uploaded documents with their own lifecycle and automatically appoint them to the relevant action owner to allow these actions/corrective actions to be completed in the relevant time specified. All extracted actions are downloadable to Microsoft Excel. C365 supports most document and photo file types supported file types include PDF, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, CSV, DXF, JPEG, WMV.

C365Cloud automatically extracts actions from survey reports to compile a risk-based action database. Supported by automated dispatch of bespoke reports and “live and dynamic” graphical real-time dashboard views.

Unlimited Users with Configurable Access Rights

C365Cloud offers our customers unlimited browser-based users. Each user has an individual account set up with access to only the specific areas of policy and documentation that they are responsible for. Generically we can differentiate access levels down to the individual user or team – by unique role and responsibility.

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SaaS Core System

C365Cloud is deployed as a fully supported service to all authorised users. Every customer will have a dedicated C365 Account and ServiceDesk Team, who will be on hand 365 days a year to help all users and administrators alike make the maximum use of the system’s capabilities and maximise performance. This ‘Software as a Service’ approach ensures flexibility and responsiveness to changing needs and the methodology by which compliance is achieved. This is aimed at removing the administrative burden from clients in maintaining the system’s performance and user experience.

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Job Dispatch & Dynamic Scheduling

The system automatically dispatch’s jobs to the relevant person, ahead of expiry to ensure no task or due date goes unmissed. Jobs can be dispatched via email, at an agreed frequency, with reminders being issued closer to the due date.

Centralised Repository

C365Cloud provides our customers with one centralised secure repository accessible by all authorised users.

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Get your personalised demo

Contact our team today to request a personalised demo of our compliance management software and to learn how C365Cloud could help transform your operations.

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